Why choose our airline?

Kefalonia Icon

Exclusive Kefalonia Based Company

Direct Flights Icon

Direct Flights Only!
No Risk of Cancelations & Consolidations.

Plane Icon

Safe and Comfortable Travel on a Boeing 737/700

Bus Icon

Transfer Option from the Airport to the City

Land with Us On Beauty

Summer beach in Greece Myrtos beach in Kefalonia
Enjoy Exotic Beaches & Crystal Clear Waters
Adult woman with blue hat enjoying some pink flowers
Discover our Colourful Landscape
People travel with wooden boat in famous cave of Kefalonia
Experience Unique Nature’s Magic
Reserved table in a tavern in Assos village of Kefalonia
Find Good Food, Nice Wine, Happy People

Welcome to the first airline company that serves exclusively the island of Kefalonia!

We plan to welcome thousands of visitors every day from all over the world, through our direct flights. Knowing more than anyone else the needs of island travelers and the uniqueness of Kefalonia land, we are about to provide a safe and relaxing transfer to this island, as it is so worth exploring! We are working towards reducing the cost and hours of the trip so that you have the opportunity to enjoy our island’s places more easily and comfortably.

Before Summer 2023, you will be able to book a flight and share the experience!

Wait for us… 

Kefalonia’s Airport: Modern facility for every traveler.

Our islands airport was reconstructed in 2021, under the investment and the high quality standards of Fraport and it has all the amenities that you need! It welcomes thousands of visitors each year and its fully organized and equipped with the latest technology and all the necessary services for travelers.

Airport Code : EFL
Airport Location : 8km from Argostoli city centre
Airport Official Website: https://www.efl-airport.gr/en